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Is 12 O'clock in the afternoon AM or PM

3 Answers

  1. 12 o’clock in the afternoon is actually pm (post meridiem), because it comes after the morning hours (before noon), which are typically referred to as am (ante meridiem).

    So, to clarify, 12:00 pm refers to noon, while 12:00 am refers to midnight.

  2. At exactly 12 noon, the Sun is at its highest point in the sky and directly over the meridian. It is therefore neither ‘ante’ (am) nor ‘post’ (pm) meridiem. At 12 midnight it also neither am nor pm.

    Thanks 馃槉

  3. 12 o’clock in the afternoon is in the pm.

    The 12-hour clock divides the day into two periods: AM (ante meridiem, Latin for “before noon”) and PM (post meridiem, Latin for “after noon”).

    So, any time from 12:00:01 PM to 11:59:59 PM is considered to be in the afternoon/evening or PM.

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