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QuinPin Latest Questions

Knowledge Seeker

What’s a small habit you do that significantly changed your life?

What’s a small habit you do that significantly changed your life?

2 Answers

  1. 1. Always Write down your thoughts

    2. Meditate

    3. Be Self-Aware

    4. Breathe Deeply

    5. Eat less

    6. Eat Healthy (processed)

    7. Eliminate things from your life

    8. Have handful friends but those who are better than you

    9.Read & Learn more

    10. Learn to Love Money

    11. Accept your Dark Side

    12. Have a Mentor

    13. Take Power Naps

    14. Fasting

    15. Never answer emails immediately

    16. Never answer phone calls you do not know

    17. Don’t be easily available to people

    18. If you are good at something – never do it for free

    19. Have a Morning Routine

    20.Have bath in Cold Water

  2. One small habit that significantly changed my life is starting my day with a few minutes of mindfulness meditation. I used to wake up and immediately start checking my phone or thinking about all the tasks I had to complete that day. This would often leave me feeling stressed and anxious before I even got out of bed.

    Now, I set aside just five minutes each morning to sit quietly and focus on my breath. This simple practice helps me start my day with a clear and calm mind. It allows me to be more present throughout the day and to approach tasks and challenges with a greater sense of focus and clarity.

    Over time, this small habit has had a big impact on my overall well-being, helping me to feel more centered, grounded, and in control of my thoughts and emotions.

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